Android APP Developments

Android APP Developments

Android APP Developments

Since the launch of Android, we have experienced a lot of change in the mobile development space. Besides the increasing number of Android phones, we have seen a steady growth in Android application development. Android developers use the Google Android SDK to build their apps which can run on all Android devices. Android is a product of Open Handset Alliance which allows Android Developers to build applications using Java programming language. Also, the rich audio / video support available in this platform has taken Android application development to the next level.

Android is said to be the revolutionary technology in the world of mobile applications. With its remarkable features, Android Application Development has proved itself to be the tough competitor in the field of mobile apps. Some of the amazing features of Android platform include:

  • Easy to use tools and APIs
  • Multimedia, Travel Guides, GPS Navigation, Gaming, Barcode Scanning and other utilities
  • WiFi, Bluetooth, GPRS, EDGE, and 3G network support
  • Open Source
  • Integrated Google applications

There is a common thought that Google owns Android. Actually speaking, Android is Google new Linux based operating system that includes a number of software applications for mobile devices. It has JAVA library and its beta version provides necessary tools and APIs to develop custom mobile applications. Google integrates its major applications including Gmail, Google maps, Google Docs and Google Calendar with Android phones and this has enhanced the usability of Android devices manifold.

We offer Professional Android Application Development with Java language support. Our developers are efficient enough to build third party custom applications that can run on Android platform. We approach every field of android app development in a unique and comprehensive manner. We are experts in providing high end Google Android Application Development services to our clients. Our long standing in this field and work experience of many years enable us to offer you a wide array of excellent software services. Whether you are in the search of developers who can develop custom applications for your business from the scratch or who can do a job of modifying the existing application, this is the right place for you! We encompass everything from developing small business applications to the large back end projects.